If You Missed The FY2024 Form 471 Filing Deadline

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If You Missed The FY2024 Form 471 Filing Deadline

Hello E-Rate Community,

I want to make you aware of changes in this year’s E-Rate Form 471 application review procedures. We don’t have all of the information but will share with you what we do know as of this point.

Last week, PIA (Program Integrity Assurance) reviewers started rejecting letters written by State E-Rate Coordinators nationwide where enrollment and NSLP counts were validated, without any forewarning at all. Not only is PIA rejecting newly written FY2024 validation letters, but some of the previously submitted letters as well, stating that validations from State Coordinators are no longer considered acceptable. We, the State E-Rate Coordinator’s Alliance (SECA), had a call with USAC yesterday seeking clarification. They listened to our concerns, and stated they would provide additional information “in the very near future” as to how to proceed and what documentation will be accepted moving forward. However, we were not given a firm date as to when the information will be provided. In the meantime, if you have a pending PIA inquiry, ask for an extension in the EPC portal to provide time for this issue to be resolved. The first time you request an extension, the portal will automatically grant you seven additional days. If you’ve already used the first extension request, you may request a second extension, but it may not be granted. If an extension request is denied, please email me your Billed Entity Number (BEN), your Form 471 application number/s, and the due date listed in the inquiry as soon as possible. USAC has asked that State Coordinators email this information to the regional PIA manager to request additional time to respond.

We do not anticipate that funding denials will occur because of this issue. This has been very frustrating for all of us, but at this point, all we can do is wait for a resolution from USAC.



Lorrie Germann
State E-Rate Coordinator
On behalf of the Ohio Department of Education
Office: 740-223-2420
Cell: 740-253-1153