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The Ready for Kindergarten Online System provides data managers with a process for initiating, approving, and tracking transfers of students for both the KRA-R and ELA.  There are two types of transfers – Internal and External. Internal Transfersoccur when a student transfers from one building to another within the same district/organization. External Transfers occur when a student transfers from one district/organization to a different district/organization.

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Internal Transfers (36 secs)


Occurs when a student transfers from one building to another within the same district/organization. 

Students previously loaded in the Ready for Kindergarten Online system can be transferred to a new building in the same district/organization using the following steps: 

  1. Load the student file with the new building IRN.
  2. Load a new enrollment file to assign the student to a teacher.
  3. Remember to remove the student from the original teacher assignment.

*Note: Internal transfer requests will not show in the “Your Request” tab or in your “Transfer History” tab.

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External Transfers (54 secs)


Occurs when a student transfers from one district/organization to a different district/organization.

When a student is uploaded into the Ready for Kindergarten Online system by another district with the same State Student ID, a transfer request will automatically be sent to the previous district for the student.

Student data can still be collected while the transfer is pending but the Point of Authority will remain with the origin district until the transfer is approved.
Student scores will be transferred once the pending transfer is approved, and the correct enrollment token is assigned.

Select Transfers from the left navigation.

Requests from Others 
Shows any requests that have come from another school/district for a student. The data manager can Approve/Decline the transfer request.

Your Requests
Shows all transfers requested by you and/or your school/district. Internal transfers will not show in Your Requests.

Transfer History
Displays all transfer transactions that have occurred between your location and any external locations.  Internal transfers will not show in your Transfer History.

Example for ELA Transfer Student

Example [A]
When a student is educated at an ESC or DD.  The student would be loaded by both the home district and the ESC/DD.  The student’s POA is set with the location which loaded first.  When loaded by the second location, the transfer request should be ignored.  Because only one location can have POA, the DM would uncheck the Filter by POA option so that the student’s scores can be included on the report.

Example [B] When a student is enrolled in more than one PK program and both programs need to report.  Both programs should load the student, ignoring the transfer request.  However, only one location can have the Point of Authority (POA), so the data manager would uncheck the Filter by POA option so that the student’s scores can be included in the report.

External Transfers with Shared Students

When completing external transfer requests for students who are receiving additional instructional services through a secondary organization (e.g., ESC or DD) in the Ready for Kindergarten Online (KReady) System, data managers will need to ensure that students are “unattached” from the teachers at both “original” locations (the “home” district/organization and the shared location – ESC or DD) also known as the “sending” location.  The new “receiving” location will become the Point of Authority (POA) once the transfer is completed. 

*Note – the “sending” location should not “un-attach” the teacher from the student until the transfer is complete, meaning that the transfer has been initiated by the “receiving” location and approved by the “sending” location.